Category: Contractor Services

Foundation Repair – Signs That Your Home Needs Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair Plano addresses the root causes of problems in your home’s foundation, preventing future damage. It’s important to recognize signs of foundation movement, like uneven floors or sticking doors, and to address them promptly.

Foundation Repair

Hairline cracks are natural and typically only a cosmetic concern, but they can widen with further movement. Wider cracks demand attention and may indicate a deeper structural problem.

When homeowners discover cracks in foundation walls, they tend to react in one of two ways. They either panic that their house is no longer stable or shrug them off as a sign of normal settling. Both reactions are dangerous, as ignoring cracks can cause them to get worse over time. Instead, you should look for signs of foundation problems that indicate it’s time to schedule a professional inspection and repair services.

Structural cracks in foundation walls signal serious structural issues that demand immediate attention. These cracks usually appear in the lower part of your home’s foundation and are often caused by soil shifting. These problems can lead to a loss of structural integrity, damage to plumbing and electrical systems, and more.

Horizontal cracks, which are a common sign of shifting soil, can also suggest that your foundation is in trouble. These cracks are most likely to appear in your basement and could indicate a shift in moisture levels or an increase in the amount of pressure on the foundation. Other warning signs to watch out for include doors and windows that are hard to open, or have a tendency to jam or stick. Uneven floors, which can result from a shifting foundation, are also a clear indication that you need to call in professionals for inspection and repair services.

Hairline cracks are small fissures in the concrete surface that are less than 1/8 inch wide. These cracks are most commonly seen in new construction and typically occur during the early stages of the curing process. They are not a serious structural issue and can be repaired with epoxy or polyurethane injection.

While non-structural cracks are less worrisome, they can allow moisture to enter the house and cause additional damage. To avoid moisture intrusion, these types of cracks should be sealed with waterproof sealants and treated as a priority for repairs.

Vertical cracks in foundation walls are a more significant problem and can be caused by uneven soil settlement, excessive lateral pressure, or a combination of these factors. To correct these problems, we can install wall anchors that use the earth beyond your foundation walls to exert counterpressure on failing walls and help them straighten back into place over time, or push piers to stabilize the foundation. In addition, we can address drainage issues by installing interior basement drains and improving the landscaping around your home to prevent water infiltration that causes foundation failure.


Moisture in your home’s foundation is a common problem that can lead to cracking and damage over time. This moisture can also create other issues such as mold growth, pest infestations, and wood rot, which can cause problems for the entire structure of your home. If you notice signs of moisture in your basement or crawl space, you should seek professional repair services right away.

If you see discoloration or a powdery residue on the foundation walls, this is known as efflorescence and indicates that water has leached through the concrete, leaving behind mineral deposits. The buildup of these minerals can lead to a variety of issues, including moisture and salt that can weaken the concrete over time. If the problem continues, it could lead to a foundation leak that can threaten your home’s structural integrity and depreciate its value.

Insufficient drainage is another common reason for excessive moisture around your foundation. If your gutters are clogged or disconnected, the excess rainwater that accumulates in the soil surrounding your foundation can oversaturate it, which causes hydrostatic pressure to be exerted against your walls. Over time, this can cause the concrete to crack, shrink, or bow.

Various methods can be used to repair a damaged foundation that has been affected by moisture. Masonry patches can be used to fill in hairline cracks that allow water to seep into your home, and sealants can be applied to larger areas of the foundation to provide a protective layer from water. Epoxy injection is also a popular method that provides an effective, long-lasting solution for cracks in your foundation walls.

Proper landscaping can help reduce the amount of moisture in the soil near your foundation. Avoid planting shrubs or trees too close to your house, as these can dry out the soil and force it to shrink, causing hydrostatic pressure against your foundation walls. Instead, consider planting vegetation that requires a greater level of watering, such as grass or flowering plants, and install a drain tile system with a sump pump to collect excessive moisture in the soil around your foundation and divert it away from your home.


Foundations can deteriorate over time, either because of the natural aging process or due to problems with the soil and construction. In either case, the resulting degradation reduces the ability of the foundation to support the house. If the issue is not addressed, it can lead to significant structural damage and safety hazards for your family.

Signs of deterioration include visible cracks in the walls and floor, bowed basement walls, and doors and windows that no longer fit into their frames. In many cases, a foundation repair company can stabilize and repair these problems with carbon fiber straps, wall plate anchors, or helical piers.

The drainage system around your home can also contribute to a sinking foundation. If the ground slopes toward the foundation instead of away from it, the soil will erode, causing the foundation to sink. The best way to prevent this is by ensuring that the drainage system is working properly. In addition, a good soil assessment and proper site preparation can help avoid this problem.

It is normal for a building to settle some over time, but this can become a serious problem when the soil becomes compressed or if the weight of the house shifts it unevenly. If you see that the floors in your home have become uneven or that doors are sticking, this is a sign of excessive settling and may be caused by a faulty foundation.

The presence of efflorescence, which appears as a white powder on the surface of concrete or masonry, is another sign that the foundation is deteriorating. This is caused by water seeping through the concrete or masonry, dissolving salts, and then evaporating, leaving the salts behind. Moisture intrusion can cause further deterioration and create problems like mold growth and wood rot.

Frequent inspections can catch issues early and prevent them from escalating to major structural problems. Check for changes in your doors and windows, new cracks in the walls and floors, damp crawl spaces, musty odors, and pests such as centipedes and pill bugs. When problems arise, a foundation repair expert can recommend the most effective solution to restore your home’s integrity and value.

Structural Issues

Whether caused by soil moisture, changes in soil density and compaction, or structural overloading, sinking and settlement can cause a host of problems. These include cracks in walls, sagging floors and doors and windows that no longer open or close correctly. The good news is that identifying and responding to these issues early can help you save money on repair costs and prevent more serious structural damage.

When a foundation shifts, it can pull on the supporting beams and piers of a building’s frame. This can cause the piers to move or buckle, and it may also lead to a leaning chimney or sagging roofline. If you notice these symptoms, a professional should be called to inspect the structure and recommend an efficient remedial solution.

Interior signs of a faulty foundation include sloping floors, cracks in walls that run from floor to ceiling and crooked door frames and window casings. If left unchecked, these can lead to a number of other problems, including insect and rodent infestations and plumbing issues, as shifting foundations can put pressure on pipes and cause them to break or leak.

The size and direction of a crack in a foundation is another indicator of its severity. Straight vertical cracks are usually caused by minor settling and will not progress beyond the affected area, but horizontal cracks can indicate more significant problems with foundation stability, soil pressure, or water intrusion. Identifying the type and extent of the problem will help a foundation specialist determine the best method to repair it.

Another sign of a failing foundation is an oversaturated yard or basement after a rainstorm. A failed foundation can trap ground moisture and saturate it to the point that it begins to push against the slab. This can create a cycle of flooding and drying that quickly wears down concrete, leaving it susceptible to cracking.

Fortunately, the vast majority of foundation issues are easily corrected by qualified professionals. A professional can use a variety of methods to stabilize the foundation, lift settled areas and restore it to its original position. In many cases, this involves digging a trench around the foundation and injecting it with a high-pressure polyurethane foam mixture that fills voids, lifting and stabilizing the foundation.
